

Here are some excellent texts that can be useful for most organisations. I sometimes gift these titles to clients and we explore themes and ideas that might be helpful in their situation:

Multipliers - Liz Wiseman

A brilliant study on leadership highlighting the qualities of leaders she calls Multipliers and also those of Diminsihers. Multipliers identify the genius in others and amplify it for exceptional results. Diminishers focus on their own ‘brilliance’ and suffocate others in the process.

Building A Story Brand - Donald Miller

The best brand messaging resource I’ve read yet, this text focuses on how to get your messaging right so that you don’t confuse your audience. There’s a simple seven step framework to follow and I can’t think of many brands that wouldn’t learn something valuable here.

Great By Choice - Jim Collins

Collins studied a set of businesses that delivered upwards of 10 X the shareholder returns of others in their sector over a 15 year period. He found they displayed qualities that fall into three broad areas: fanatical discipline, empirical creativity and productive paranoia. A fabulous book with practical insights.

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There - Marshall Goldsmith

Another good leadership text and this one focuses on the things we need to stop doing in order to become better leaders. As we see some success and as confidence builds, it’s easy to develop some habits that don’t help us or our organisation. It’s ultimately about helping successful people become even more successful.
